意大利葡萄酒加密银行(IWCB)是第一家也是唯一一家基于区块链、加密货币和数字资产的葡萄酒银行,今天宣布加入有威望的合作伙伴:Poderi Gianni Gagliardo,Serra Dei Turchi Barolo DOCG 2017。 最近这几周有以下出色的酒庄加入意大利葡萄酒加密银行:Arnaldo Caprai, Banfi, Baracchi, Castello di Querceto, Elena Fucci, Giuseppe Cortese, Il Carnasciale, Incontri,...
The Italian Wine Crypto Bank (IWCB) has announced today the entry of another prestigious Partner winery. It joins IWCB, the first and only Wine Bank based on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital assets, with some extraordinary wines, like the Poderi Gianni...
L’Italian Wine Crypto Bank (IWCB), la prima e unica banca del vino basata su blockchain, criptovalute e asset digitali, ha annunciato oggi l’adesione di una prestigiosa Partner: Poderi Gianni Gagliardo, Serra Dei Turchi Barolo DOCG 2017. È solo l’ultima eccellente...
The Italian Wine Crypto Bank, the only wine bank based on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, has announced today that is conducting a survey on the business sentiment of Italian wineries (fine wines) towards the cryptocurrencies and digital assets. “After months in...
L’Italian Wine Crypto Bank, l’unica banca del vino basata su blockchain e criptovalute, ha annunciato oggi che sta conducendo un’indagine sul sentiment delle aziende vinicole italiane (fine wine) nei confronti delle criptovalute e degli asset...