We accurately select our potential Partner Wineries to maximize their returns and in the best interest of all our stakeholders.

We have developed an original algorithm, with up to 17 evaluation criteria, which is applied to the wines of Partner wineries. Only wineries with at least one wine scoring high, after being tested with the algorithm, are either invited to join or admitted to the IWCB.


IWCB’s objective is to create value for its Partner wineries (and/or regional wine merchants) by offering them a range of risk-free opportunities, such as:

  • Listing their selected fine and/or rare wines in the IWCB portfolio to be sold exclusively in cryptocurrencies
  • Insuring and storing the wine received from the winery in a secured warehouse, with the appropriate light and temperature conditions
  • Including them in the IWCB global marketing campaign promoting Italian fine and rare wines among active digital assets users with high purchasing power
  • Sharing revenues with them with (IWCB Revenue sharing scheme) either exclusively in fiat (for founding Partner Wineries) or fiat and utility tokens issued by IWCB (IWB)
  • Rewarding them with “airdrops” digitally verified, smart contract enabled, fungible, free Digital Asset tokens (IWB), and the related profits.
  • Including them in the NFT programs (Catch the 22, VinoFuturo and more)
  • Including them in the program Metacellar


  • Consign the agreed quantity of wine to the IWCB storage facility (bonded warehouse) by the established date
  • Are committed to reintegrating such a wine when sold by the IWCB at the agreed cost/conditions
  • Pay joining / marketing fees, where applicable
  • Issue invoice/s payable by the IWCB according to the Revenue Sharing scheme
  • Provide IWCB with the required info and materials for the promotional campaign, marketing communications, etc.